Rhode Island

There are Rhode Island scholarships and financial aid that are available for students in the state of Rhode Island and in order to know more about them the applicant requires getting in touch with the Rhode Island Higher Education Assistance Authority. In order to get addition information about the types and the nature of the scholarships that are available you may refer to the following link: https://www.riheaa.org/



Names Of The Some Of The Prominent Rhode Island Scholarships

The following are some of the prominent scholarships that are being offered to students in Rhode Island:

1.American Legion Rhode Island Department Oratorical Contest

Eligibility: The applicant must be in high school and he/she must also be residing in Rhode Island. The applicant must also be a US citizen or a permanent resident living in Rhode Island.

Other Information: students that apply for scholarships must have competition/talent/interesting oratory/debate/ that is based on the language style, voice, the diction, breadth knowledge, originality/logic  application of the knowledge, the skills in the selection of examples and analogies.


Scholarship Amount: $50-$500


Website : https://www.legion-aux.org/


2. CCF College Scholarship Program
Objective Of The Scholarship: For Full Time Undergraduate Studies at accredited 4 year institutes in the USA and Canada


Eligibility Criteria For The Applicant: Applicant should be a senior in a high school and the applicant must be Italian. The applicant should be a resident of Rhode Island, Vermont, New York, Maine, Connecticut, District of Columbia, New Jersey, Hampshire or Pennsylvania.


Additional Requirements: The applicants should pay $25 for scholarship applications. They should also have the interview recommendations, transcript and essay. The applicant should also submit the recent state and federal income tax returns of parent or guardian along with the family tree.


More Information: The applicant must have a GPA score of 3.25


Scholarship Amount: varies.

Website : https://www.columbuscitizensfd.org/

Dr James L. Lawson  Memorial Scholarship

Objective of The scholarship: For undergraduate or graduate studies that are conducted at accredited 2year or 4 year or graduate institutions in the US. These studies are conducted at designated institutes like Rhode Island colleges and universities that are also present in New England or New York.


Eligibility Criteria Of The Applicant: Applicant should be a US citizen, be in high school, and bena state resident or a resident in New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine, or Massachusettes.


Additional Requirements: Transcript,


Other requirements: The applicant must be an amateur radio operator that holds a general class or higher.


Scholarship Amount: $500


Deadline For The Application: February 1st.


Website : https://www.arrl.org/the-arrl-foundation


New England FEMARA  Scholarship


Objective Of The Scholarship: For Undergraduate and graduate or for the non-degree studies of postgraduate institutions in the state.


Eligibility Criteria of The Applicant: Applicant must be resident of Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusettes or Maine


Basis of Selection: Applicants that apply for scholarships are selected on the basis of Transcript


Scholarship Amount: $1000
Deadline for the Application: February 1st


Website: https://www.arrl.org/the-arrl-foundation

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