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The College of William & Mary
- January 22, 2011
- Top 50 Colleges
- Posted by Ilija Damjanovic
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The College of William & Mary is a public research university situated in Williamsburg, Virginia. It is also known as, W & M, The College or William & Mary. It was established in 1693 by the British government’s Royal charter which was issued by King William III and Queen Mary II.
The College of William & Mary is the second oldest higher education establishment in America.
The university has 4th ranking according to Forbes magazine and 6th ranking according to U.S. News and world report nation wide.
This college has a famous undergraduate program. Moreover, it also includes various schools for professionals and graduates.
The institution offers bachelors, masters, doctoral degree and first-professional degrees. It also offers postmaster certificates.
The College of William and Mary has a semester-based curriculum calendar system. It offers forty one majors out of which the most popular are Management, Business, Psychology, Law and Political Science.
The ratio of student to faculty is 7:1.
The College of William & Mary spans over an area of twelve hundred acres in Williamsburg, Virginia. It is a historic building and the oldest in the United States.
The ancient Campus consists of three units; The Indian school, The President’s house and The Brafferton.
The College has a temperate climate. The campus has a lake of its own in addition to an open air theatre. Washington D.C. is only one hundred and fifty miles to the North. The Virginian beach is just sixty miles.

The campus has several publications including dailys as well as monthly. There is a television station WMTC with informational productions.
There are various cultural organizations run by the students which help promote awareness about different cultures as well.
The athletic team of College of William & Mary William and Mary’s known as the Tribe. The team fields basketball, gymnastic, golf, soccer, swimming, tennis, diving. Many famous athletes have competed with the Tribe.
On campus housing is available and the dormitory can accommodate up to four thousand and six hundred students.
Students can also seek part-time employment on campus is which helps them cover part of their tuition fees. The College of William & Mary also provides career counseling upon graduation.
Main Programs:
The College of William & Mary offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the following fields:
Accounting and Finance
Computer Science
English and Literature
Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Foreign Languages
General Studies
Natural Resources and Environment
Occupational Therapy
Political Science
Social Work
Sociology and Anthropology
Theater and Drama
Theology and Religion