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The University of California, Santa Barbara
- January 22, 2011
- Uncategorized
- Posted by Ilija Damjanovic
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The University of California, Santa Barbara is a general campus of the University of California system. Its main campus is located on one thousand and twenty two acres of land in Santa Barbara, California.
The University of California, Santa Barbara was established in 1909 and joined teh California System in 1944.
The University of California, Santa Barbara consists of five colleges that offer eighty seven undergraduate and fifty five graduate degrees. Its undergraduate program received positive categorization from The Carnegie classification of Institutions of Higher Education classified.
The U.S News and World report ranked it thirty ninth nationwide, whereas the Times Higher education World University ranked it twenty ninth worldwide. It was also ranked thirty second by the Academic Ranking of world Universities.
The University of California, Santa Barbara has an extensive research budget that caters to the needs of its 12 research centers.
The University offers bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. It also awards post baccalaureate certificates and postmaster certificates.
The University of California, Santa Barbara has a quarter-based curriculum calendar system. It has 79 majors to offer among which the most popular are Business, Economics, Management, Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology.
The ratio of student retention is 91%. The ratio of students to faculty is 12:1. Graduation rate is 81%. Only about ten percent of the undergraduate students can get transferred to other institutions.
The University of California, Santa Barbara is situated on cliffs above the Pacific Ocean. Technically, the campus is not a part of the city of Santa Barbara because it has not been annexed by the city.
It is a self-governing campus and comprises of four parts: the main campus, Stroke campus, West Campus and North Campus. The Main campus spans over seven hundred and eight acres. All the academic buildings as well as most of the undergraduate housings are located here.

The University of California, Santa Barbara is surrounded on three sides by the Pacific Ocean. It has the distinction of having its own beach, its own lagoon and miles of coastline. There are several paths for cyclist as well as pedestrians across the campus.
The University of California, Santa Barbara offers housing to its students on the campus. The dormitory can accommodate seven thousand three hundred students. Part-time employment on the campus is also available for the students that will help them cover part of the tuition fee.
Moreover, there are other on-campus part-time employment options at University of California at Santa Barbara, which allows students to cover some of the tuition expenses. Additionally, this school helps students to evaluate their career options and to find a full-time job upon graduation.
Main Programs
The University of California, Santa Barbara offers Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the following fields:
1. Art
2. Biology
3. Business
4. Chemistry
5. Communication and Journalism
6. Computer Science
7. Dance and Ballet
8. Economics
9. Education
10. Engineering
11. English and Literature
12. Ethnic and Cultural Studies
13. Film and Acting
14. Foreign Languages
15. General Studies
16. Geography
17. Geology
18. History
19. Law
20. Management
21. Mathematics
22. Music
23. Natural Resources and Environment
24. Paralegal
25. Pharmacy
26. Philosophy
27. Physics
28. Political Science
29. Psychology
30. Sociology and Anthropology
31. Theater and Drama Theology and Religion