Wyoming Scholarships

Wyoming Scholarships That Are Available In The State:

The information regarding the nature of scholarships that are available under the state of Wyoming can be obtained from the Wyoming Department Of Education. Students may refer to the following link for getting the information about the type of the scholarships that are available to them:  https://www.k12.wy.us/


Names Of The Some Of The Significant Wyoming Scholarships

The following are some of the main Wyoming scholarships that are being offered to students that are residents of the state of Wyoming who apply for scholarships:


1.American Legion Wyoming EA Blackmore Memorial Scholarships

Objective: For Full Time Undergraduate Studies Only held in accredited institutions that are post secondary institutions


Eligibility: Applicant must be a member or a participant of The American Legion. The applicant must be a citizen of the USA and a resident of Wyoming. The applicant must also be a child or a grandchild of a deceased member of the American Legion who had a good reputation.


Selection Basis: Applicant must have a rank in the upper 20% in high school.
Requirements: Resume, recommendation, transcript, self photo and proof of eligibility


Scholarship Amount: $1200


Deadline For The Application: 15th March


Additional Information: The applicant must have a minimum score of 3.5 GPA and must also be studying in a nursing school, technical school, university or a hospital that is recognized.


E-Mail: https://www.legion.org/scholarships

2.Davis Roberts Scholarship Fund Inc. Program

Objective: For Full Time Undergraduate Studies at 2 and 4 year institutions
Selection Basis: Applicant must be a resident of Wyoming and have the intentions to attend or plan to go to full time school.


Eligibility: The scholarship applications must be supported with recommendations, photo, essay and transcript


Deadline For Application: June 15


Scholarship Amount: $300-$1000


E-Mail: https://www.wy-jdi.org/Scholarships.html

3.Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute Scholarship

Objective: For Full Time junior and senior Studies in the USA held in designated institutions.

Eligibility: The applicant must be a citizen of the USA residing in Wyoming, Montana, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, North Dakota or Texas.


Scholarship Amount: $2000


Deadline For The Application: February 1st


E-Mail:  https://www.rmcmi.org/


4.The Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute RCMI Technical/Trade School Scholarship
Objective: For sophomore studies at vocational 2 year institutions


Eligibility: The applicant must be a USA citizen residing in the states of Wyoming, Utah, Texas, Colorado, North Dakota, New Mexico or Montana.


Additional Information: The Applicant must be a first year student in 2 year technical school that has good standing. He/she must also be studying in the applicable trade and be interested in coal as a career option.


Scholarship Amount: $1000
Deadline For The Application: 1st February
E-Mail:  https://www.rmcmi.org/

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