Founded in 1746, Princeton University is a private research university located in the town of Princeton, New Jersey.  Offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering among others;

Princeton is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the country.  Originally named the College of New Jersey, it was given [...]

Top 20 Engineering Programs (Graduate) Listed by School, Degree Awarded, School Type, and Student to Faculty Ratio (unranked).

  Top 20 Engineering Programs In America (Graduate) School Degree Awarded School Type Student to Faculty Ratio Massachusetts Institute of Technology MS, ScD, PhD Private 8:1 StanfordUniversity MS, PhD Private 10:1 University of California–Berkeley MD, M.Eng, MS, [...]

Top 20 Engineering Programs in America (undergraduate), listed by School, Acceptance Rate, School Type, and Student to Faculty Ratio (unranked).

Top 20 Engineering Programs In America (Undergrad) School Acceptance Rate School Type Student to Faculty Ratio Massachusetts Institute of Technology 12% Private 8:1 Stanford University 10% Private 10:1 University of California–Berkeley 24% Public 16:1 Georgia [...]

Engineering is one of the highest-paid professions in the world. It is a complex field of study, where science is applied to everyday activities. Now you can enroll in any one of the various online colleges and universities that offer you the chance to study engineering, sitting at home.



Founded in 1764 prior to the American Revolution, Brown University is a private school of higher learning and a member of the prestigious Ivy League.  Located in Providence, Rhode Island, it is the 3rd oldest university in the New England area and the 7th oldest in the United States.

Brown University is well-known for its [...]

Founded in the year 1865, Cornell University is the largest private land-grant university in the nation.  It is a member of the elite Ivy League competing in several NCAA sports for men and women and one of the top rated universities in the nation.

Cornell initially was founded to teach and make contributions in every [...]

Founded in 1769 by Congregationalist minister Eleazar Wheelock, Dartmouth College is today a thriving private institute of higher learning and a member of the prestigious Ivy League athletic conference.

The college is located on a rural 269 acre campus in the Upper Valley region of rural New Hampshire near the town of Hanover.  Dartmouth today [...]

Founded in 1740 by Benjamin Franklin, the University of Pennsylvania is a private school of higher learning and research and a member of the prestigious Ivy League athletic conference. 

Penn was the first college in America to follow the European model of housing multiple disciplines such as the classics and medicine in one institution.  Benjamin [...]

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) was established in 1861. It is situated in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It is a non-profit, private research institute with an enrollment of around ten thousand students. The institution is ranked 9th among the two hundred best schools worldwide. The donation for building a campus in Cambridge came from George Eastman. In [...]

Case Western Reserve University is situated in Cleveland, Ohio. It was established in 1967 by the Federation of Case Institute of Technology and Western Reserve University.

The undergraduate program of Case Western Reserve University has a nation-wide high ranking. There are sixteen Nobel Laureates associated with the university. It is also a [...]

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